FAQS for members

FAQs for members

Who do I contact if I can’t find an answer in the FAQs?

You will most often find an answer to your query in the FAQs below. If you have a more specific query please email members@u3ahbwilli.org.au and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

I have forgotten my membership number/password/all log-in details.

  1. From the U3A Hobsons Bay/Williamstown website, log in to UMAS Member Login (far right at the top)
  2. Click on Log in existing and renewing members (box on the right)
  3. At the bottom are three help links:

Forgot password?

  1. Click on to Reset Password
  2. Fill out and submit the form in order to receive a password reset authorisation code by email.
  3. See further details in FAQ I need to reset my password (below)

Forgot member number?

  1. Click on to Retrieve member number
  2. Fill out and submit this form in order to retrieve your member number.

Forgot all log-in details?

  1. Click on to Retrieve member details
  2. Fill out and submit this form in order to send a member details recovery request
  3. Details will be sent by email

I need to reset my password.

To set or reset your password, from the U3A Hobsons Bay/Williamstown webpage and click on Member Login (far right at the top).

  • Click on the Log in icon (top right) of the U3A Hobsons Bay Williamstown website. 
  • Because you are setting up your password for the first time, click on the first dot point: Reset password, then follow the instructions.    
  • You will be sent an email with the subject: UMAS password reset. 
  • This will give you a temporary authorisation code, which can be used in U-MAS for Members to create or change your password.
  • Passwords need to be at least eight characters including upper and lower case, numerals and a symbol

The password you created should be kept in a safe place for future reference.

How do I edit my details?

Go into UMAS and click on “My Membership”. You can edit all your personal details, then press the “Save” button on the bottom of the form.

How do I enrol in additional activities once my membership has been approved/renewed?

  1. Log in to the membership management system (UMAS).
  2. Click Activities in the left side menu.
  3. Select an activity, then click Add to Cart at the bottom of the activity info.
  4. When you have finished selecting activities, click the Cart button at top of the screen and check out
  5. An invoice will be displayed. This will normally be zero (most activities are included in the membership fee) unless you have signed on for a special class.

How do I find out if activities have availability?

Activities that have no availability have a “Full” symbol next to them:

Does my previous enrolment in an activity automatically roll over to the next year?

No. You need to re-enrol (usually around November/December) in each activity. Members will be notified when enrolments open, by emailed Newsflash and Newsletter.

How do I contact the convenor?

Your convenor will contact all participants and will include their private email address. If you have any problems, contact: members@u3ahbwilli.org.au

How do I withdraw from an activity?

Log into UMAS and click on “my enrolments”. Next to each of your activities, there is a “Request Removal” tab. Click on this and the request will be sent to an activity administrator. You will receive a notification that you have been withdrawn.

I am not receiving emails

  1. Your email service may be diverting emails to your spam/junk/promotions folder.
  2. Check to see if this is the case and report the email/s as not spam.

How do I check if I have invoices to pay?

  1. Log on to the membership management system (UMAS).
  2. Click on My Membership on the left-hand menu
  3. At the bottom under Member links, click on Invoices
  4. This will normally be zero (most activities are included in the membership fee) unless you have signed on for a special class.

How do I pay invoices?

We accept payments:

By EFT/bank deposit

Bank: Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633000
Account Number: 169939121
Account Name: U3A Hobsons Bay Williamstown
Reference: Please use your full name as reference when paying membership

What information do I put on my payments into Bendigo Bank?

Name and members number (if you have it)

Are guests allowed at activities?

Occasionally (if there is not a waitlist) and with the agreement of the other participants, a convenor may permit/invite a guest to attend a session of an activity, 

Do I get a discount on fees if I enrol later in the year?

Unfortunately we do not give discounts if you enrol later. We try to keep our fees low and they are good value whatever time of year you enrol.

What do I do if I enrol in a paid activity (eg wine tasting) and cannot attend for any reason? Do I get a refund?

Please withdraw from the activity in good time, so a place may be offered to someone on the wait list. We will try to give a refund if we get enough notice, but often we have to give exact numbers to event suppliers and this may result in our not being able to offer a refund in those circumstances.

I have enrolled but all the activities I want to join are full.

It is worth putting your name on the wait list as very often people drop out or the convenor decides to accept more participants.

Who do I contact if there is a problem with one of the facilities we use?

The convenor of the activity will contact our Venue Manager or notify us on members@u3ahbwilli.org.au members@u3ahbwilli.org.au